BEST CEO LEASSONS ABOUT MANAGEMENT FROM Management Guru- Lord Krishna If You Really would like to Grow in Your Business or profession , try to follow those steps. As a CEO or MD you can achieve every goal in your life by those baby Steps... 1. Step 1- Grounded The very first formula that strikes the chord is their realistic and grounded approach. There are many stories about Lord Krishna who spent his childhood days in a village and later embraced ‘kingship’ clearly suggest how he stay rooted to the ground even when he had the whole world in his hands. 2. Step 2 - True companion We have all heard the epic Sudama and Krishna’s friendship tale. Such a true companionship rarely exist nowadays, but if entrepreneurs can adapt this quality even partly, they would surely win over many friends who will stick with them through their thick and thin. 3. Step 3 - Master of all Traits Krishna was a teacher, an artist, a warrior, a preacher, an ocean of knowledge, a lea...